Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Playing Catch Up

Whew!! What a month it has been!! We finally got moved into our new house! We're still working through boxes and trying to figure out where everything will go but for the most part, I think we've settled in pretty nicely. 

Today, the cable guy came out and we were able to get the internet and cable hooked up. I didn't realize how much I had missed having cable until I was able to turn cartoons on for Sweet P this afternoon before nap. We went ahead and opted for the most basic cable package the provider offered. We've learned that we really don't watch that much TV and the shows we do watch are easily accessible through Netflix or Hulu. We aren't saving a whole bunch, but it's enough of a difference bill wise. 

Of course, I've been crocheting up a storm while Sweet P and I have been home watching movies all day. I have so many new projects and ideas to share with you guys! I'm in the process of updating my Facebook page...getting rid of all the old pictures and streamlining the albums so you can find EXACTLY what you're looking for!

I'm so excited to be back! Keep an eye out because BIG things are coming!!



  1. How lovely that youve settled in! Looking forward to seeing the crochet!

    1. Thanks Jill!! Look forward to sharing it with you guys!!
