Saturday, June 28, 2014

Farmers' Market

Back at the beginning of the year, our local Chamber of Commerce started organizing a team of people to put together our town's very first Farmers' Market. Several surveys were set out at local businesses around town and a Facebook page was started to help spread and foster community awareness. Thanks to the hard work of many, our Farmers' Market opened for it's very first season at the end of May.

Getting involved with the Farmers' Market was something The Hubs and I talked about off and on throughout the entire winter. At the time, I had just had Sweet P 6 months before and we were about to move into our new house. I wasn't sure a market setting would be something I would have time for.

Fast forward to the last Saturday in May; opening day for the Farmers' Market. The Hubs and I decided to take the morning and check it out, just to see what they had to offer. It didn't take either of us long to figure out that this was the EXACT kind of atmosphere I wanted to be in to sell my crochet hats and clothes.

I seriously enjoy being out at the Market every Saturday morning with all the other farmers, crafters, and hand makers. It has given me a chance to network with people in my community that I wouldn't otherwise have an opportunity to be around. I am very blessed to live in a town that makes it a point to highlight the artist community and everything it has to offer. The Farmers' Market is just one of numerous events through out the year for crafters and artists to showcase their talents.

My first week at the Market was kind of a bust. I made a little profit, but most of the items I had on hand were hats...not the best thing to sell at the start of Arkansas summer season! I browsed Pinterest, Google, Facebook, and asked around in several of my crochet circles about the best items to sell during the summer at a Farmers' Market.

About the time I was looking for more summer appropriate items to sell at my booth, I ran across a pattern for these cute little market bags. The first one I made was, of course, for Sweet P. We have used it for everything from a library book bag, to a quick diaper bag for church. I think they would make a great beach or lake bag, especially for those quick, last minute trips! Throw in a suit, sunscreen, sunglasses, sandals, and maybe a good book or iPod and headphones and you're ready to go. Or of course you can use it for it's "intended" purpose and take it to the Farmers' Market to fill with all your yummy treats and goodies! 

In the last two weeks that I have been able to set up, I've had a better selection of things that are more summer friendly while having sales on my more winter related items. If you make and sell a lot during craft fair season, a farmers' market just might be the perfect way for you to clear out some of that left over winter inventory! I have loved having the chance to network with people in my community and just get my product and name out there! 

Market season is just getting started and I'm excited to see where it goes from here!

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